Can You Use A Carpet Cleaner On A Mattress?

Many of us assume that carpet washers are only designed for carpets but there are facts about this device that you didn’t even know. So can you use a carpet cleaner on a mattress? What else can a carpet washer do? Is there another method to cleanse the mattress? We are all confused about this device’s unexpected feature.

Image by Joe Wolf

Carpet cleaners can be helpful for a variety of furniture since it is designed to contain some extra attachments. As for mattresses, a carpet cleaner owns extra hand tools, which result in its flexible ability.

Can You Use a Carpet Cleaner on a Mattress? – The Complete Answer


The answer is Yes. Many people have tried to cleanse mattresses with carpet washers and it works perfectly. Carpet cleaners are well-known for giving the best results on wiping out spores of mold, dust mites, bed bugs, and human dead skin cells from mattresses. 

Even if your child suddenly has a urine accident on the bed, you can easily solve it with the help of a handy carpet cleaner. 

It would be best if you cleaned your mattress approximately twice a year. When using carpet cleaners, both hand attachment and upholstery provide the same outcome for you. Just keep the following basic considerations in mind: If you choose a hand attachment to wash, clean the mattress thoroughly, and do not over saturate.

Keep your mattress clean and dry on one side before turning to the other side. Wetness is an ideal environment for mold and smear spreading, and perhaps you do not want to rest all night on a green and grey-moldy bed.

In addition to visible mold and smear, invisible dust layers and insect organisms remain inside the bed, waiting for you to omit them out. Should they not be washed away, you and your family may suffer from serious respiratory problems or worse, asthma.

How to Use Carpet Cleaner on A Mattress

A moldy, dusty bed may contain invisible human dead skin cells and a multitude of bed bugs organisms. Hence, if not wiped out thoroughly, this bed can lead to your allergies and serious breathing difficulties. 

Therefore, we provide you with a complete guide with five steps on how to use carpet cleaner on mattresses to maintain your quality night.

Step 1: Vacuum Cleansing

First, we should put our dirty bedding into the washing machine, then use a vacuum as a hand-tool attachment, removing the thick layer of dirt and dust mites on one side of the mattress.

Step 2: Prepare the Carpet Cleaner

Bristle up the mattress against the wall, afterward purifying the water reservoir attached to a carpet cleaner so that there is no dirt left. Fill in the reservoir the stipulated amount of detergent. You can dilute it with water in case of irritation, as the instruction recommended. 

Step 3: Carpet Cleaner Cleansing

Turn on the carpet cleaner, collaborate with the hand-tool, and start cleansing on one side of the mattress. 

As stated above, over-saturation may be a potential risk paving way for mold and smear formation and spreading. You need to expose one side of the mattress to the sun until it is completely dry before cleaning the other.

Step 4: Repeat Step 3 on The Other Side

Do the same process with the other side of the mattress. You should wait until it’s parched.

Step 5: Tidying 4 Corners

With the four corners of the mattress, you should place a mat on the bottom to prevent bed bugs from corroding and nesting inside the mattress. Besides, a clean mattress protector needs placing on the bed to keep the mattress clean from dust. Afterward, choose your bed linens to decorate your bedding.

Notes When Using a Carpet Cleaner on Your Mattress

The first thing you should notice is the concentration of the detergent. If the carpet cleaner has a high cleansing concentration, then you probably need to dilute it with water. 

Based on the concentration, choose the amount of water you want to dilute the solution. If low, the amount of water needed should be one third of the amount of detergent used.

Come in second is the ingredients listed on the cover of the carpet cleaner. Notice alcohol and isopropanol as they may cause skin allergies to those whose sensitive skin. 

Furthermore, you should keep this detergent far away from children’s reach as well as do not let them touch the mattress right after it is watered. Kids’ fragile skin can get burned and ulcerated if they are naughty, or hyperactive.

Finally, using a carpet cleaner is not the only way of cleansing your bedding though it brings back positive results. While using a carpet cleaner, it is necessary to apply other different methods along with it. 

In case of period dropping, for example, before cleansing blood with the carpet cleaner, you should squeeze half of a lemon on the red spot. The acid in lemon not only makes cleaning easier but also removes the unwanted smell. 

Therefore, resting comfortably on your bed requires more than just a method. However, keeping your bed clean is keeping yourself healthy.


So can you use a carpet cleaner on a mattress? It’s absolutely Yes. After skimming through this article, we believe you have discovered new interesting facts and applications of a carpet cleaner as well as learning a new method of cleaning your mattresses.

Keep in mind that a carpet cleaner is useful for not only mattresses but also other furnishings. Try to unravel those methods since they are handy and convenient in the future. If you have figured out other ways, please let us(Clairoliviawayman) know, thank you for your support.

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