Pros And Cons Of Fiber Mesh Concrete: Is It the Future of Building?

Fiber mesh concrete is a new and innovative form of construction that has been gaining popularity in recent years. It is designed to replace traditional forms of concrete, like the rebar or wire mesh, with an environmentally friendly alternative.

This blog post will tell you about some of the pros and cons of fiber mesh concrete. Fiber-mesh concrete is better for the environment, stronger than steel, and more durable than untreated wood. But there are also not so great things about it.

What Are The Pros And Cons Of Fiber Mesh Concrete?

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To my knowledge, Fiber Mesh concrete is a type of reinforced concrete that incorporates fiber elements into the mix. Natural fibers, steel, glass, and synthetic fibers are among the fiber components utilized – this provides extra strengthening or reinforcement of the concrete mix for a long time. 

The Advantages Of Fiber Mesh Concrete

There are several benefits of using Fiber Mesh on concrete-based projects. Specifically, here are the top 7 benefits that I pick up to support this method. 


I see that fiber mesh concrete takes less time to make and utilize in my concrete-related project compared to wire mesh concrete. The reason behind this is that precisely measuring and fitting the wire mesh before slotting in the concrete requires extra time. 

Fiber mesh concrete, however, is available by mixing the concrete solution with the fiber. This will reduce the wastage of time.

Better Impact Durability

Another benefit that I learn from fiber mesh concrete is that it delivers tougher endurance. If large items blow such a strike on a concrete slab, it might cause the concrete to fracture. The usage of Fiber mesh concrete improves the impact resistance of a concrete block. 

Stronger Reinforcement

Aside from pressure and weight, the temperature change is another factor that causes concrete to fracture. The majority of concrete-related jobs are completed outside of the residence. As a result, the area is subject to a wide range of weather and temperature variations, resulting in surface fractures in the future. 

Commonly, the evaporation of water triggers cracks on concrete. The application of fiber ingredients upon concrete, such as steel fibers, maintains moisture and minimizes fractures.


The usage of fiber mesh concrete reinforcement varies in different situations. For example, if you’re working on a countertop, fiber mesh concrete is the finest solution, while Wire mesh or rebar are not ideal for this project.

Another situation where Fiber Mesh concrete works best is for a thin coating of pavement, a concrete-based project that wire mesh and rebar can not handle.

I have not managed many concrete projects, yet, I have read articles online about people sharing the match between their projects with the Fiber Mesh method. So, why don’t you give it a try?


Fiber mesh, as I previously stated, aids in the retention of water in concrete. When concrete contacts with high temperatures, the fiber components begin to melt. 

As a result, the water within the concrete expands, lowering the chance of spalling. Spalling is a fracture that appears on the top of concrete when high temperatures influence the concrete.

Higher Freeze Resistance

It might be a problem on a concrete slab if it is prone to snow and extremely low temperatures – the water within concrete freezes when it encounters a severe cold. 

It then exerts pressure on the pores on the inside, resulting in cracking, shattering, or scaling. However, Fiber materials such as nylon and polypropylene make concrete more resilient to freezing environments.


Another advantage of the Fresh Mesh concrete is its lower cost compared to wire mesh. This is because mixing and pouring take less time, which means less money spent on staff. 

Furthermore, the materials are readily available and inexpensive. The cost of fiber mesh results from various variables, including the cost of materials, the cost of the concrete pump, handling, etc.

The Disadvantages Of Fiber Mesh Concrete

Given several benefits associated with Fiber Mesh Concrete I have just mentioned, we can not go without naming some of the most disadvantages of using Fiber Mesh on concrete-based projects. 

Rough Finish Surface

The first disadvantage that I think Fiber Mesh Fiber concrete has is its difficulty achieving a smooth finish. Some fiber materials will appear on the slab’s surface, resulting in a bumpy or scratchy appearance. As a result, fiber mesh concrete isn’t the best choice to achieve a smooth finishing surface.

Potential Injuries

The application of fiber mesh concrete also poses the risk of injuries. Specifically, Most of the fiber mix’s components link to several materials with spiky and sharp edges. Because many materials make it to the surface, anyone who treads on it may get injured.

I got hurt in my right hand when working on my brother’s project to build a wall using the steel fiber mesh method. Believe me that is the last thing you want to experience. 

Uneven Fiber Distribution

It’s hard to predict where fibers will end up in the concrete mix once you mix fiber and concrete. The chance is that there will be more fibers in certain sections of the concrete than in others. As a result, the characteristics of the concrete in greater fiber locations will differ from those in lower fiber areas.

Fiber Corrosion

In a chemistry lesson at high school, I still remember that steel is prone to corrosion. Hence, steel fibers will rust over time if we mix them in the fiber mesh mixture. Corrosion will negatively influence the steel fibers’ performance and the cement’s performance, leading to poorer toughness of the concrete. 


My answer is Yes. The fiber mesh method on concrete is an excellent concrete reinforcing material. It has higher impact resistance, requires less finishing time, and is typically less costly than wire mesh. Furthermore, some tasks necessitate fiber mesh use, like a kitchen countertop or thin-lay sidewalk, for example.

Can Fiber Mesh Provide Extra Durability To Concrete?

Sure. Fiber mesh contributes to the concrete’s strength. It accomplishes this by strengthening the concrete physically. It seals the concrete in place. It’s worth noting that it might not improve the concrete’s compressive strength.

Does Fiber Mesh Outshine Wire Mesh?

To me, each concrete applying method offers its distinctive benefits and drawbacks. First, they both add more reinforcement to the concrete. Fiber mesh is less costly and better minimizes water within the concrete by reinforcing the entire surface. It’s ideal for tasks including kitchen countertops, thin-lay sidewalks, and walkways.

Conversely, wire mesh takes longer, costs more, and is a better method for other tasks.

The Final Words

The pros and cons of fiber mesh concrete are a hot topic these days. One thing is for certain, though – the future of construction has arrived with this product.

Whether you’re considering using it in your next project or not, we think that taking time to educate yourself on what’s being hailed as “the most environmentally-friendly building material” will be worth your while.

We hope this post was helpful! What do you think about fiber mesh? Can’t wait to hear from you in the comments below!

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